Erectile Dysfunction

 Erectile dysfunction is the type of sexual dysfunction. It is the inability to get or keep an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse. It’s also sometimes referred to as impotence.  All the men experience it during times of stress. ED can be a sign of health problems that need treatment. It can also be a sign of emotional or relationship difficulties that may need to be addressed by a professional.

Erectile dysfunction or impotence is the inability to get or maintain an erection that is sufficient to ensure satisfactory sex for both partners. It can cause significant distress for couples. Fortunately more and more men of all ages are seeking help, and treatment for ED has advanced rapidly.

Erectile dysfunction can be distinguished from other men sexual dysfunction and difficulties, sometimes erroneously referred to as impotence, such as premature ejaculation, male orgasmic disorder (delay or absence of orgasm) and hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Men with erectile dysfunction may or may not suffer from these other problems. It may occur at any age. Occasional episodes are considered normal.

Erectile dysfunction takes many forms. Some guys with ED are unable to achieve an erection under any circumstances, while others can occasionally become erect. You can also suffer from ED if you have no trouble getting an erection, but can’t consistently sustain an erection sufficient for satisfying sexual intercourse.

Erectile dysfunction in older men Because erections primarily involve the blood vessels, it is not surprising that the most common causes in older men are conditions that block blood flow to the penis, such as atherosclerosis or diabetes.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a repeated inability to get and maintain an erection. Whether it can be cured depends on why you are experiencing it. In some cases, treating an underlying cause may help resolve the problem. There are a range of treatments which can help you manage ED and enjoy a normal sex life.

The occasional difficulty in getting or keeping an erection is normal. It’s only a problem when you’re regularly having difficulty — to the extent that you’re purposefully avoiding contact with your partner for fear that you’ll have trouble satisfying them in the bedroom.

 ED, erectile dysfunction is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection firm enough for sex but what exactly happens? Inside the penis there are two long, cylindrical chambers called the corpora cavernosa which contain myriad blood vessels and tissues as well as one major artery in each of the two. It is when a man either can’t have an erection or can’t keep an erection long enough to have sex. ED is not a reflection on you or your sexual partner, since lack of arousal isn’t the problem.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

ED is often caused by one of several medical conditions that reduce blood flow and nerve functioning. This may sound like bad news, but there’s a silver lining — and hope. If a medical problem is causing your ED, it means there are many treatment options.

 Depression can dampen your desire and can lead to erectile dysfunction. Ironically, many of the drugs used to treat depression can also suppress your sex drive and make it harder to get an erection, and they can cause a delay in your orgasm.

The most common physical causes of erectile dysfunction are related to circulation and blood pressure. Heart disease, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure can all impact the amount of blood flowing to the penis. Diabetes contributes to ED by damaging your nerves and blood vessels.

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced by the testes in males. It performs many physiological roles in the body, including maintenance of muscle strength and muscle mass, bone density, fat distribution, production of sperm, and regulating sex drive. Testosterone levels hit their highest level in adolescence and early adulthood, and most men have some decrease in their testosterone levels around age 40.

Diabetes is one of the most common causes of ED. Chronically high blood sugar levels can result in nerve damage that affects your body’s ability to translate pleasurable sexual stimulation into an erection. Diabetes can also lead to issues with circulation, which reduces blood flow to the penis and makes it more difficult to keep an erection that is hard enough for intercourse.


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